Doomsday Vault: il titolo in arrivo il 5 agosto sull’eShop di Nintendo Switch

Qualche ora fa è emersa la data di uscita ufficiale di Doomsday Vault, titolo indipendente disponibile prossimamente sui Nintendo Switch europei.

L’adventure puzzle di Flightless, sarà pubblicato il prossimo 5 agosto 2021 sull’eShop europeo e americnao di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare l’annuncio ufficiale di seguito.

Rescue Earth’s precious plants

Rescue Earth’s precious plant life. In your robotic suit navigate a flooded city, break into an underground lair and explore ancient pyramids. Collect seeds and return them to the safety of the Vault. Nurture seeds to grow new sustainable crops. Unlock additional tools and items to customize your suit.

Adventure missions to find precious seeds for the Vault
Challenge mode with races, mazes, scores and leaderboards
Vault to nurture seeds into crops
Challenging puzzles and gameplay to suit all ages and experience
Engaging 3D environments
Play as the iconic DV Robot character
Robot suit customization
Beautiful soundtrack and sound effects
Helpful plant information

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